fotocommunity Portfolio von Helge Angermeyer
old n rusty
Das Fenster zur Natur
Abendliche Ruhe
...die einfachen Dinge III
...die einfachen Dinge II
...die einfachen Dinge I
Spinnennetz im Abendlicht
Painted Sky II
... ein Lichtblick
"Haus & Grund ist Leib & Seel"
Natural Mirror II
Whitewater II
Whitewater I
Ulvik from above
Norwegan Weather
old'n'rusty XI
old'n'rusty X
...gestrandet IV
...gestrandet III
...gestrandet II
...gestrandet I
Frühling in Stöckse
...ich selbst... als Bausatz! ;-)
Glas & Stahl VI
Glas & Stahl V
Glas & Stahl IV
Glas & Stahl III
Glas & Stahl II
Glas & Stahl I
Fortepiano V
Fortepiano IV
Fortepiano III
Fortepiano II
Fortepiano I
Historical Sevilla X
Historical Sevilla IX
Historical Sevilla VIII
Historical Sevilla VII
Historical Sevilla VI
Historical Sevilla V
Historical Sevilla IV
Historical Sevilla III
Historical Sevilla II
Historical Sevilla I
Colors of Sevilla X
Colors of Sevilla IX
Colors of Sevilla VIII
Colors of Sevilla VII
Colors of Sevilla VI
Colors of Sevilla V
Colors of Sevilla IV
Colors of Sevilla III
Colors of Sevilla II
Colors of Sevilla Series
Sevilla @ Night X
Sevilla @ Night IX
Sevilla @ Night VIII
Sevilla @ Night VII
Sevilla @ Night VI
Sevilla @ Night V
Sevilla @ Night III
Sevilla @ Night IV
Sevilla @ Night II
"Plaza del Triunfo" bei Nacht
Monumento a la Inmaculada Concepción
Giralda - La Protectora de Sevilla
old'n'rusty IX
the last minutes of the day
"colors of the sky"
"The Weather Tower"
old'n'rusty VIII
old'n'rusty VII
old'n'rusty VI
"The Inner Shine"
In Memoriam
"Der feine Herr im Anzug"
"drohendes Unheil"
"einfaches Leben"
"Natural Mirror"
"goldener Abend"
"Painted Sky"
old'n'rusty V
old'n'rusty IV
old'n'rusty III
old'n'rusty II
Wood II