Terra incognita


On this planet he says
Imagine beings poisoning their oceans
She says
Imagine these beings destroying their environment
It says
Imagine these beings polluting their air


Ein Wochenendausflug führte uns in das wunderschöne Heidelberg. Und was ist eines unserer liebsten Dinge, die wir tun, wenn Wasser in der Nähe ist? Boot fahren :-)
Und so ging es ab auf den Neckar und vorbei an millionenschweren Villen und wunderbaren Wäldern. Bei diesem Wetter gibt es fast nichts Schöneres ...

A weekend trip took us to the beautiful city of Heidelberg. And what's one of our favourite things to do when there's water nearby? Boating :-)
And so off we went on the Neckar, past mansions worth millions and marvellous forests. There's almost nothing better in this weather ...



SONY, SLT-A58, DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM II, 18.0 mm, 10, 1/160, 100