Equicanigattus ist das von 2.000 Briten ermittelte perfekte Haustier: das Fell wie ein Golden Retriever (49 % - canis = Hund), dazu lange Ohren wie ein Hase (7 %), ein zierliches Gesicht wie ein Kätzchen (35 % – cattus, auch gattus [spätlateinisch ab ca. 350 n. Chr.] = Katze) und ein langer Pferdeschwanz (9 % – equus = Pferd).


Scientists said the image of the bizarre creature - with the ears of a rabbit, face of a cat, body of a golden retriever and tail of a horse - depicts the country's ideal animal companion. Researchers have named the creature the Equicanigattus (from the Latin roots equus, for horse; canis, for dog; and gattus, for cat) - and this furry pet is called Max. The computer-generated picture was created after a survey of 2,000 British pet lovers revealed the nation's perfect animal was 49 per cent dog, 35 per cent cat, nine per cent horse and seven per cent rabbit.?
